There is also plenty of proof of the hazards of second hand smoke, hence the reason smokers are forced out of doors in the first place. Frankly, standing outside the entrance to a building and smoking does create an unpleasant atmosphere for others entering that building, another form of disrespect for others.
Flicking cigarette and cigar butts on the ground illustrates yet another case where entitlement takes hold. The thought process goes along these lines. "If I have to be inconvenienced to the point of being forced outside to have a smoke, I have every right to flick my butt into the street." For some it is such a knee jerk reaction that it doesn't seem to qualify as a conscious choice as much as a simple involuntary reaction. This is where disrespect is elevated to the level of arrogance.
This is why in front of some store fronts, even here in St. Andrews, cigarette butts can be seen strewn all over the sidewalk directly in front of a butt receptacle. Yet this behavior is evident in cities and towns everywhere. As a result, the responsibility to keep the sidewalks free of litter falls on the shoulders of the shopkeepers themselves, some of whom are oblivious to the eyesore and ignorant of the fact that their lack of caring is in and of itself, a form of disrespect. I know that I make a point of picking up butts in front of and behind my building when the culprits are actually smoking. In some cases this has a positive effect, but not always.
One can stroll down the avenues of bustling New York City and see cigarette butts whisked away by an army of street cleaners. However in smaller towns and villages, local pride can speak volumes to visitors on whom their entire economies depend.
This harkens back to the days when dogs could freely roam the street of cities and owners were not responsible for cleaning up after them. In fact, it wasn't even considered necessary. Your dog would do it's business in the street and the street sweeper would remove it in due course. I remember clearly the distinctive stench in cities like New York and especially Paris. Eventually laws were enacted banning such irresponsible practices and the difference to these cities was dramatic. For the most part today people pride themselves in looking after their dogs responsibly.
Legislating human behavior has historically proven to be ineffective except in such obvious cases as traffic laws and human rights. Even then, people are constantly pushing the envelope. What, then, can we do? One thing companies can do is to remind their employees that they are representing the company even when they are not working. Allowing workers to smoke during work outside an office building does indicate a lack of respect for the community if inadequate space and receptacles are not provided. Therefore, it comes down to each of us who smoke to take the moment it requires to leave our surroundings the way we found them. Much like the sign in the airplane washroom which asks each occupant to wipe the sink so the next passenger has a clean place to wash their hands, so too we should leave the streets and sidewalks as clean as they were when we walked onto them initially. Please keep in mind that flicking a lighted butt anywhere is a potential fire hazard.
It also is an opportunity to burn an animal's feet, like a dog walking along the street where a butt has just been carelessly flicked. Flicking your butt in the street, while driving a car, riding in a boat or even walking along a sandy beach or rocky coastline is just plain wrong. If this one careless thoughtless act were to be eliminated from our daily lives, it would send ripples of civility everywhere.
I must admit that the title of your post certainly got my attention! It seemed a bit more edgy than your usual posts and looks frighteningly inappropriate if you glance at it too quickly. However, I agree with your sentiments and long for a world of civility and personal responsibility. I have never lost the feeling of shock that I get from the absolute lack of respect toward others and their surroundings when people toss their cigarette butts anywhere they happen to land. Like you, I equate it with picking up after your dog does his "duty". Why would you leave that for someone else? It is just so lazy and selfish. We have way too much of that behavior. Let's "pay it forward" and be civil!